Day 2- Stay at Home


I’m not sure what the current stats on COVID-19 are here.  I have been at home most of the time.  I don’t understand why I have to fight with grown-ass people to wash their hands.  I mean, really?  I’m reading that the virus can hang in the air for 3 hours, that the shelf life on varying surfaces is up to weeks.  We need to be wary of our mail delivery.

I get it, but I guess it really hasn’t hit home yet.  It feels like living in the start of a sci-fi novel.  Or a dystopian, depending on how much the government will own us afterwards.  Will we really go back to business as usual after all this?

Yesterday I didn’t do a whole lot.  Watched a couple movies.  Did some laundry.  Played on my phone  I deleted that game because it runs in the background and I don’t have time to stare at a screen all day when I should be using this down time to work on my damn novel.  Took grandbaby for a walk to play Pokemon Go.  Maintained social distancing during said walk.  My code is 9822 1671 5381 if anyone wants to add me.

Sorry about the language today.  Feel bad for my family that I woke of grumpy.  I’m going to try to explain things in small words and see if they listen.  I’m going to do my Bible study with my friend over text.  I’m going to finish the waterfall in my painting.  I’m going to go into the yard and pick up dog poop.  I’m going to do my Q & A on my fantasy novel.  Can I get that all done in one day?  I don’t know.  Notice how none of it involves sitting on a screen.

I really don’t want to catch this.  By all accounts, it’s awful and painful.  Except for the people walking around who don’t know that have it.  Scary stuff.  I think my younger daughter gets it.  She seems quite content to stay home.  Families are complicated in good times.  He’s happy to be the store runner, I’m happy to be the list maker.  I will need a prescription filled so I’ll have to deal with that in the coming week.  I have to deal with my taxes.  Life goes on even when it’s on hold.

Stay safe out there, my friends.  Feel free to comment on what is going on in your personal corner of the world.


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